Click here for Hudson Raiders 2016 Highlights

To all 2017 Hudson Raider Shooting Club Shooters………...
Welcome to a new shooting year!
It’s nearing the time for the start of the 2017 shooting season signups!
We will have an informational and formal signup meeting to start off the season for shooters and parents on Monday February 20thth at 6:30pm at the Hudson Rod, Gun and Archery Club. Feel free to tell a friend or two as well. Spread the word. We will introduce the season per the attached information sheet and answer shooter/parent questions.
• Formal practice is scheduled to start on or about March 13th at 4pm…..more details to follow.
• Our first conference shooting match is scheduled to start on or about the week of April 3rd……more details to follow
• Please mark on your calendar May 12-14 for the annual Hudson Raider sponsored Northern Wisconsin Invitational Tournament.
• The teams we will shoot against within our division are listed below…..Western - Blue Division. We will need to work hard to defend our conference champions status this year.
Attached are the following signup documents that will need to be filled out and signed/returned by all clay target participants (fill in and sign by all the “X” marks):
- SCTP Clay Target Shooting Consent and Waiver Form….must be signed by shooter and parent
- SCTP Clay Target Shooting Sportsmanship Contract Form (reminder....when signing this form you are also agreeing to the terms of the schools sportsmanship guidelines)
- SCTP Clay Target Shooting Medical Consent/Release Form.

Attached are the following signup documents that will need to be filled out and signed/returned by all Pistol/Rifle participants (fill in and sign by all the “X” marks):
- SASP Pistol/Rifle Shooting Consent and Waiver Form….must be signed by shooter and parent
- SASP Pistol/Rifle Shooting Sportsmanship Contract Form (reminder....when signing this form you are also agreeing to the terms of the schools sportsmanship guidelines)
- SASP Pistol/Rifle Shooting Medical Consent/Release Form.

Also find attached the following:
- Conference Team Lineup
- Current 2017 tournament shooting schedule
The 2017 shooting fees remain relatively unchanged from last year...a slight increase of only $15. Below is the summary of the shooting fees.
Shooter fees and registration fees for Trap practice and conference shoots only:
- All shooters - $20 registration and insurance fee ($5 million dollar coverage) - $20
- All shooters - $3.50 per round of clays/ 30 rounds pre-paid - $105
- All shooters - $12.00 per year ATA registration fee requirement - $12
And then choose one of the following:
- Shooters whose family have a current 2017 membership at the Hudson Rod and Gun Club – user fee - $20
- Shooters whose family does not have a current 2017 membership at the Hudson Rod and Gun Club – user fee - $40
Summary of Fees Payable at registration time: (neither includes optional shoots, state, nationals or ammo requirements):
- Total shooter registration fee with a 2016 family gun club membership - $157
- Total shooter registration fee without a 2016 family gun club membership - $177
Optional Fees Payable at registration time - choose any of the following if you plan to shoot Skeet/Sporting Clays or Pistol/Rifle:
- Skeet (NSSA) and/or Sporting Clays (NSCA) Association Membership Requirement - $10
- Skeet Target Fees – approx.10 practice rounds @ 3.50 per round - $35
- Sporting Clay Target Fees – TBD
- SASP Pistol/Rifle Shooter Registration - $20


• As was done in past years….you can offset your shooting fees and costs by selling raffle tickets. One half of all the proceeds that you collect go into your shooting account to be used on your shooting shirt, shot shells, tournament registrations…..etc. Our annual raffle program offering will be sent out under separate cover soon. Tickets will be ready for pickup either during the Feb 20ths registration meeting or shortly thereafter.
• Special SHOTSHELL PRE-BUY - We are taking orders for the annual shotshell purchase. We need to order a minimum of 70 cases to avoid shipping charges. Our current rate is $5.50 per box/$55.00 per case of 10 boxes of Nobel Sport…..12 gauge or 20 gauge. The shipping to the gun club is FREE and there is NO TAX on the purchase. If you wish to pre-order shotshell for all or some of your needs….please let me know. All cases of shotshells
For more information feel free to call me or drop me an email. Look for information to be announced at the various schools as well.
If you are receiving this email it is because my address book is comprised of 2015 and 2016 email addresses with some new additions. If you wish not to be on this email or any future emails…please drop me a quick line and I will delete you from my current address book. Thanks for your patience as I clean up my address book.

Best regards,

Rick Persinger
Hudson Raider Shooting Coach
Northern Wisconsin SCTP State Advisor
Hudson Rod Gun and Archery Club President